The Central Hume PCP is a co-operative approach between health agencies to promote and deliver primary care services in the region.
The region comprises the four local government areas of Alpine, Wangaratta, Benalla and Mansfield.
PCPs can facilitate planned action in:
- Strengthening the catchment planning response to health inequalities and social determinants through cross-sector partnering and planned and integrated health promotion;
- Addressing the barriers to both participation and service access of hard to reach and vulnerable groups, including individuals and communities that experience chronic disease and socioeconomic disadvantage, e.g. Indigenous communities. Closing the gap on Indigenous disadvantage with respect to life expectancy, child mortality, access to early childhood education, education attainment and employment outcomes is a national priority;
- Improving care for clients with chronic and complex conditions through better engaging general practitioners (GPs), local government, the acute sector and relevant private providers;
- Ethical and proactive ways that communities and consumers can be meaningfully included within the planning process;
- Collaborating with Neighbourhood Renewal and using 'place based' approaches; and
- Catchment planning that reflects and intersects with state, municipal, PCP member agency strategic plans, community and organisational planning, across the needs analysis, implementation and evaluation continuum. Greater integration with Municipal Public Health Planning is seen as a priority.
Our Members are:
Alpine Health
Alpine Shire
Benalla Health
Benalla Rural City
Hume Medicare Local
Mansfield Shire Council
Mansfield Hospital
Mind Australia
Mental Illness Fellowship
Northeast Health Wangaratta
Ovens and King Community Health Centre
Rural City of Wangaratta
The Centre
Women's Health Goulburn North East