A fundamental component of service coordination is the work done by PCP member agencies to clarify & document how business is done between agencies for consumers they have in common. This work has resulted in the development of the "Victorian Service Coordination Practice Manual" which defines agreed practices, processes, protocols and systems which support Service Coordination across Victoria resulting in a better coordination of services between participating agencies.
In Central hume PCP we use the structure of the local partnerships to come together and discuss improving service co. This is often demonstrated through groups such as Early Years Networks, Service Provider Networks meeting, discussing then passing on issues to be resolved at a local partnership level.
Resources regarding the involvement of PCP's in service coordination are available for download from the Victorian Department of Health website (Link below).
Service Coordination remains a central element of the state wide Primary Care Partnerships Strategy and CHPCP is committed to the continuous improvement of service coordination in Central Hume. In part, supporting and informing this work in CHPCP is the annual Department of Health (DH) Service Coordination and ICDM survey. The survey is state-wide and the results provide evidence of quality service coordination practice that organisations may use for:
• demonstration of accreditation standards of providing quality services and programs and sustaining quality external relationships
• providing evidence of quality improvement activity which may contribute to government funded services reporting and monitoring frameworks
More information on the survey, as well as results from previous surveys, are available on the Department of Health website (link below).
2012 will see a revision of the Service Coordination Tool Templates (SCTT). This is the third revision of the SCTT and will be the most in depth to date. The process involves 16 different working and reference groups from various areas including Chronic and Complex Disease Management, Indigenous Health, Problem Gambling, Quality GP referrals and Mental Health, Drugs and Alcohol. By collecting program specific qualitative data, the SCTT revision seeks to better align the policies of various government projects.
The revised SCTT will seek to better:
• meet the needs of people with chronic disease and complex needs
• facilitate feedback processes
• meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander consumers
• meet the needs of people with intellectual disabilities
• support the provision of the carer's information necessary to support best practice service coordination for consumers
Also to be addressed through the SCTT 2012 revision process, are the:
• Broader implementation of the VSRF template and the development of GP practice supports
• Undertaking of a joint project (subject to confirmation) between the Department of Health's Integrated Care Branch and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development's Child, Youth and Family Division to improve the VSCPM, the SCTT, and the SCTT User Guide to better meet the needs of children and their families
• Improvement of the function of the full suite of the SCTT, based on feedback from the sector, and the better alignment of the SCTT with state and national data standards, including data standards developed by the National E-Health Transition Authority
• Review and update of the VSCPM, the SCTT, and the SCTT User Guide implementation products including the service coordination self-paced training module
• Further development of implementation products for vendors of client management software applications including an updated functional specification, data dictionary and data model, HL7 messaging standards, and decision support
The document below provides a summary of the outcomes of this meeting held in Wangaratta on 31st March. These outcomes and recommendations will guide the work the PCPs will do over the next phase 2009 -2012.
Please refer to the documents below.
Training will be provided in August around the new templates. Information regarding the details for this will be provided by the Service Coordination Working Group. This will be circulated shortly.