The Central Hume PCP is one of 28 Primary Care Partnerships across Victoria. The Central Hume PCP is supported by the Victorian PCP, which exists to support and promote the primary care partnership platform and the broader use of partnerships to achieve improvements in population health and well being. To read more about us, see our Frequently Asked Questions…
Our Vision
A community where all people enjoy quality of life and are healthy, well and active.
Our Mission
Working together to strengthen collaboration and partnerships we will drive real improvements in health and wellbeing outcomes that are meaningful in our community.
Our Role
- Continue to build a robust and current evidence base.
- Act independently to broker opportunities and build active relationships that advance our priorities.
- Support our partners and active relationships to build their capacity to act to achieve our priorities.
- Measure and celebrate our success, and continuously improve our practice to achieve our priorities.
The Central Hume PCP will:
- Respect and value the views of all partners.
- Focus on social justice and equity, creating a strong voice for advocacy.
- Listen to the views and experiences of consumers.
- Apply catchment wide and place-based approaches.
- Work collaboratively and collectively, and pool our resources for greatest impact.
Our Priority Population Groups
Our priority population groups include older people, families with young children, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, people living with chronic disease, and women and children facing violence.
Annual Report 2020/2021
Despite the continuing uncertainty the PCP has faced over the past few of years and the ongoing lockdown and restrictions due to COVID-19, the Central Hume PCP team have remained committed to their work.
Some achievements for the Central Hume PCP during 2021 include:
- Implementing and managing the EOI Grant process
- Supporting local councils in developing their Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plans
- Collaborating with Upper Murray Neighbourhood House Network
- Prevention Working Group completing annual reporting requirements
- Connecting the Age-Friendly Northeast Victoria Project Coordinator
Download: 2020-21 Annual Report
Strategic Plan –The Central Hume PCP’s Strategic Plan 2018-2021. The strategic priorities represent the collaborative work and shared vision of the Partnership and provide a clear direction for our work together over three years.
Central Hume is in the North East of Victoria.
Our catchment covers four local government areas – Alpine, Benalla, Mansfield and Wangaratta. We are part of the Ovens Murray Goulburn area as shown below.
Working at the catchment level helps us to achieve systems change. The smaller hospitals and their communities rely on the regional hospital in Wangaratta.
Our small rural communities need access to other regional health and wellbeing services. These services are also based in Wangaratta. They are funded to service our catchment.
The governance of the Central Hume PCP is the responsibility of the Central Hume PCP Executive Committee.
There are eight members of the Central Hume PCP Executive.
- Four Central Hume PCP Health & Wellbeing Partnership representatives. These are the Chairs elected by Central Hume PCP members who participate on each of the Health & Wellbeing Partnerships (LGA based).
- Three general members, elected by the membership of the Central Hume PCP.
- One member who is the auspice organisation for the Central Hume PCP.
The appointments to the Executive Committee are for 2 year terms.
Central Hume PCP Governance Structure 2017-2021
Executive Committee
- Acting Chair: Melanie Green
- Director of Operations, Mansfield District Hospital (Mansfield Health & Wellbeing Partnership Chair)
- Leah Waring
Chief Executive Officer, NESAY – North East Support & Action for Youth Inc. (Auspice) - Emma Ghys
Community Manager, Alpine Health (Alpine Health and Wellbeing Partnership Chair) - Jane Archbold
Manager Community, Benalla Rural City Council (Benalla Health and Wellbeing Partnership Chair) - Jonelle Hill-Uebergang
Service Manager Primary Care, Gateway Health - Ben Thomas
Manager Community and Recreation, Rural City of Wangaratta (Wangaratta Health and Wellbeing Partnership Chair) - Ruth Mulligan
Manager Community Complex Care, Northeast Health Wangaratta
The Executive Committee is supported by:
- Dianna Piazza
Executive Officer
Central Hume PCP Team
Dianna Piazza
Executive Officer
Monday to Thursday
Kirsty Barnes
Program Coordinator: Access and Integration & Prevention/ Early Intervention
Monday to Thursday
Vacant Position
Program Coordinator: Dry Conditions Resilience
Vacant Position
Principal Strategic Advisor: Age Friendly Communities