The Central Hume Primary Care Partnership (PCP) is made up of 17 health and community services organisations across the Alpine, Benalla, Mansfield and Wangaratta local government areas. We focus on improving the health and wellbeing of the community in the Central Hume, underpinned by a strong commitment to prevention. We bring partners together, encouraging collaboration to deliver programs that respond to the multiple, complex challenges facing our community. All partners – including hospitals and local health providers – benefit from the advisory, research and project management expertise the Central Hume PCP provides. We help partners work together better, making the most of available resources, avoiding duplication of efforts and achieving the outcomes our community needs and deserves.
To mark our 20th anniversary, we highlighted our recent partnership work through a selection of case studies.
Download Case Study: Transforming Lives
Media Release: Health Care at Community House is Good Medicine – May 2020
Download Case Study: Making Physical Activity a Priority
Media Release: Celebrating a project that’s getting Alpine Active – May 2020
Download Case Study: Supporting Patients’ Recovery
Media Release: Long term benefits of helping chronic patients help themselves
Download Case Study: Community Changes Attitudes to Youth Mental Health
Media Release: Community Works Together to Change Attitudes to Youth Mental Health
This collection of videos also demonstrates the impact that Central Hume PCP plays in developing strong partnerships across the Central Hume catchment. These projects, through effective collaboration, have gone beyond their original seed funding or their original scope.
Bringing Information Together for Rural Communities
Central Hume PCP and Bendigo Loddon PCP have partnered to develop a case study that outlines how the two PCPs reacted to the pandemic. Both PCPs supported local communities through the development of a communications platform that provided relevant resources and accurate information.
The case study highlights the importance of communication during a crisis and the importance of enabling place-based messaging by responding to local community needs.
PCPs bring diversity, perspective, expertise and knowledge, to ensure our partners feel supported and equipped with the relevant resources needed to adapt to the ongoing nature of this pandemic.
Download: Bringing Information Together for Rural Communities – Case Study
Our vision is to be free of the avoidable burden of disease and injury so that community can enjoy the highest attainable standards of health, wellbeing and participation at every age.
In order to move towards our vision we support the implementation of the annual actions plans to achieve the Central Hume Prevention Strategic Plan 2017-2021, we support the implementation of the Ovens Murray Goulburn Chronic Care Strategy and we look to share promising practice and wisdom with our member agencies.
Download: Central Hume Prevention Annual Action Plan 2020-2021
Download: Central Hume Prevention Strategic Plan 2017-2021
Download: Healthy Eating & Active Living in Central Hume 2017-2021 Summary
Download: Healthy Food Basket Survey 2021 Report
Food Access Guides
Our partners have developed Food Access Guides for their local communities. These Food Access Guides are a resource for community agencies or anyone in the community who needs information about how to access affordable, fresh and healthy food.
Download: Alpine Communities Food Access Guide – March 2020
Download: Benalla Community Food Access Guide – May 2020
Download: Mansfield Community Food Access Guide – April 2020
Download: Wangaratta and Surrounding Areas Community Food Access Guide
Violence is the leading cause of preventable illness and premature death in Victorian women aged 15-45 years old. Women who experience family violence are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, brain injury, disability, unplanned pregnancy, self-harm and suicide. Broader social impacts include homelessness, social isolation, alcohol abuse and unemployment. Children exposed to family violence from an early age have much poorer outcomes than children not exposed to family violence. The impacts include increased risk of homelessness, acquiring an injury, disability or mental health disorder, experiencing school difficulties, and engaging in antisocial behaviour.
Family violence does not only effect those directly experiencing it, but impacts the wider community through increased crime, family breakdown and the reduced ability of women to participate in employment.
Central Hume PCP will continue to work with the Ovens Murray Family Violence Partnership to help influence and support health and community service organisations and share an evidence base of data, research and promising practice with our members to inform our approaches.
Tricia Hazeleger is the Principal Strategic Advisor for the Ovens Murray Family Violence Partnership.
Tricia Hazeleger
Principal Strategic Advisor
Ovens Murray Integrated Family Violence
Upper Hume Primary Care Partnership
Days of work: Monday to Thursday
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (02) 6055 9564
Mobile: 0427 659 721
Central Hume PCP work with our members to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities in Alpine, Benalla, Mansfield and Wangaratta local government areas through influencing change and strengthening collaboration and integration across sectors.
The Central Hume PCP operated Health and Wellbeing partnerships with place-based approaches to achieving outcomes.
Reflexive Evidence and Systems Interventions to Prevent Obesity & Non-communicable Disease (RESPOND)
RESPOND is a Deakin University led National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Partnership Research Project that will use a whole of community approach to focus on the health and wellbeing of children.
Over the next five years (2019-2023), the RESPOND project will work with the communities and local service providers of Northern Victoria, including 14 local health services, 12 local governments and 116 schools; reaching more than 30,000 children aged up to 12 years. A community-led systems method will be used to drive positive and practical changes from the ground up, developing the communities as world leaders in creating supportive environments for healthier choices. The project relies on the insights of the communities to identify causes and what they would like to do to create sustainable change in improving their children’s health outcomes.
Local government areas included in the program are Alpine, Benalla, Greater Shepparton, Indigo, Mansfield, Mitchell, Moira, Murrindindi, Strathbogie, Towong, Wangaratta and Wodonga.
The Central Hume Primary Care Partnership is supporting this initiative, along with the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, Victorian Department of Education and Training, VicHealth, the Primary Care Partnerships of Upper Hume, Lower Hume and Goulburn Valley and member agencies of these partnerships.
Further Information: Central Hume RESPOND Project Summary | RESPOND Project Update
Regional Childhood Health Behaviours and Anthropometry Reporting (2019)
The RESPOND Ovens Murray and Goulburn Primary School Health Behaviours Monitoring study is a large population study aiming to understand the current state of childhood healthy weight, and behaviours associated with healthy weight in the Ovens Murray and Goulburn regions of Victoria.
The Childhood Health Behaviours and Anthropometry reports outline findings from data collection that occurred in early 2019. Future rounds of data collection are scheduled to be conducted in 2021 and 2023. While this round of data collection is largely descriptive, future rounds will allow for analyses that will tell us how children’s healthy weight and health behaviours are changing across Ovens Murray and Goulburn.
The 2019 Regional Childhood Health Behaviours and Anthropometry reports for the Ovens Murray and Goulburn region and each local government area within the Central Hume Catchment are now available.
Download: Ovens Murray Goulburn Regional Report
Download: Alpine Shire Report
Download: Rural City of Benalla Report
Download: Mansfield Shire Report
Download Report: Rural City of Wangaratta Report
Central Hume PCP will continue to strengthen collaboration and partnerships through:
- The use of best practice to guide our work – we will use systems thinking and collaborative impact approaches.
- The use of good governance.
- Forming and fostering active relationships
The Central Hume PCP partner organisations agree on the catchment priorities based on community needs, and work to action change through collaborative projects and service improvement initiatives. A summary of how Primary Care Partnerships across Victoria and how the Central Hume PCP works: Key messages VicPCP_Central Hume PCP
The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services also provides direction through requiring the Primary Care Partnerships to work within the Victorian Health and Wellbeing planning priorities.
Korin Korin Balit-Djak: Aboriginal Health and Safety Strategic Plan 2017-2027 provides an overarching framework and sets out the Victorian Governments vision and direction for ensuring positive outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians. Korin Korin Balit-Djak has been developed alongside two other key initiatives: Balit Murrap: Aboriginal social and emotional wellbeing framework, and the Aboriginal governance and accountability framework to support and improve the health, wellbeing and safety of all Aboriginal Victorians.
The Korin Korin Balit-Djak Strategy realises the Victorian Government’s vision for ‘self-determining, healthy and safe Aboriginal people and communities’ in Victoria and embraces a cultural determinants approach to Aboriginal health, wellbeing and safety, which aligns with the Aboriginal community’s holistic understanding of health.
The strategy provides some guiding principles:
1. Aboriginal community leadership
2. Prioritising Aboriginal culture and community
3. System reform across the health and human service sector
4. Safe, secure and strong families and individuals
5. Physically, socially and emotionally healthy Aboriginal communities
Download: Korin Korin Balit-Djak Aboriginal Health, Wellbeing and Safety Strategic Plan 2017-2027
The Aboriginal Health and Community Support Worker has been providing cultural guidance and advice to some of our partners on how to prioritise Aboriginal culture within their organisations.
Inline with the Central Hume Aboriginal Health Model, the Aboriginal Health and Community Support Worker has been supporting the Aboriginal Health Service Development Officer in her role at Northeast Health Wangratta. The Aboriginal Health and Community Support Worker provides practical training in cultural awareness to staff at Northeast Health Wangaratta when required and provides cultural guidance in relation to supporting inpatients with cultural business.
A video has been developed to explain the partnership and the great work being done in our region.
Click here to download the video
Download: Central Hume Aboriginal Health Model
The health and wellbeing of older people is central to the economic and social development of rural and regional communities. Older people provide considerable resources, support and finances to essential community services, business, tourism and employment opportunities alongside community and family life. However, in an era of unprecedented longevity and prosperity, older people can experience poor health outcomes, age-based discrimination and social isolation.
The Age-Friendly Northeast Victoria Alliance (the Alliance) was created in 2018 as a common platform for action to improve the health and wellbeing of older people for themselves and their communities through the creation of an age-friendly northeast Victoria.
The Alliance is a collaborative partnership of regional, state and local governments, community-based non-government organisations, researchers, and older people dedicated to identifying, implementing and advocating for solutions using the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities (AFCC) approach.
WHO provides an evidence-based approach for creating age-friendly communities. Through practice and research, WHO has shown that, when communities come together with a common set of values, principles, and an agreed process, the work flourishes in a way that is itself age-friendly.
The four values—respect for diversity, equity, participation of older people, and rights of older people—along with three principles specific to the Age-Friendly Cities and Communities (AFCC) process—co-design, ‘middle-out’ and life-course—are the foundations of all WHO AFCC initiatives.
The Alliance acts as regional convener, mobilizing attention to the impacts of population ageing, generating political will, and leading collaboration action across northeast Victoria.
Is your health service age-friendly?
‘A guide to access the age-friendliness of a health service’ was developed to help health service boards, clinicians, executive teams, staff and community members assess, plan and contribute to the establishment of an age-friendly health service.
Many older people enjoy a long, healthy life. However, many struggle with chronic ill-health. Almost half of all hospital patients are people aged sixty-five and over. While in hospital, older people, even those who are otherwise well, are at significant risk of healthcare-related harm, separate from the reason for their admission. Age-friendly environments have a substantial role in preventing or delaying many of the health problems related to ageing and chronic disease.
The guide is designed to be used by a team of clinicians, non-clinical staff, and older people in a health service setting, whether an acute hospital, sub-acute, residential aged care, primary health, or a community health service.
An Age-Friendly Approach to Disaster Recovery
We are all aware of the record-breaking high temperatures and months of severe drought which produced extensive bushfires across Australia from October 2019 until February 2020.
Restoring community strength following devastation of this magnitude requires focussed and enduring commitment.
Older people bring particular strengths and vulnerabilities to their communities in disaster recovery. Age-Friendly Northeast Victoria have prepared a guide, based on national and international research and policy to describe those strengths and vulnerabilities, and proposes corresponding practical, community-level actions that can be incorporated into recovery plans and actions. These actions have potential to mitigate the negative individual health and wellbeing impacts and deepening community resilience.
Download: An Age-Friendly Approach to Disaster Recovery Report
‘An Age-Friendly Approach to Disaster Recovery’ report was launched at the end of April 2020 by Dr Helen Haines MP, Member for Indi who stated in her address that “this report is timely, it couldn’t be more timely…this report is steeped in society, it’s person centered, it’s place based and it’s values driven.”
Click here to view the Virtual Launch
Building an Age-Friendly Indigo Health Service
The Building an Age-Friendly Indigo Health Service report documents the development of a systematic, rigorous co-design process to develop an age-friendly approach to care for older people.
Download: Building an Age-Friendly Indigo Health Service Final Report
Download: Building an Age-Friendly Indigo Health Service Summary Report
The Resilience for Dry Conditions project will build the Ovens Murray’s capacity to respond and adapt to dry weather conditions and the impact of this, through strengthening the wellbeing and resilience of communities.
This is a collaborative capacity building project undertaken by Central Hume and Upper Hume PCPs. It will start community-led conversations to explore collective solutions to local or emerging issues associated with changing weather conditions. The project coordinators will consult and engage with farmers, farming communities and people working within the agriculture community.
The project will:
- use the principles of place-based planning, co-design, and community engagement to explore local solutions to complex issues.
- provide coordination support for the design, implementation and evaluation of capacity building activities;.
- identify support pathways for farmers and their families experiencing financial stress and emotional or psychological distress associate with the impact of changing weather conditions.
Download: Community Resilience for Dry Conditions Project Brief
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